Saturday, September 8, 2018

Maybe sometimes it is good news

This is unpleasant
So let's start with the good news: I'm back on the path to transplant. My hospital stay last week was to double check the pulmonary hypertension the was keeping me from being a good transplant candidate and the numbers came back about as perfect as they could. Of course, it can't all be good news.

While I am extremely relieved that I'm looking at a chance to get the procedure that gives me the best odds of living as long as possible with a relatively normal quality of life, OHSU is still suspended indefinitely. That means I'll be headed to UW in Seattle. We'll have to go through most or all of the evaluation again, which I sincerely hope they will have me do as an inpatient so I don't have to find housing and have things stretch out over several weeks.

More pleasant
From my discussions with my cardiologist here in Portland, it's possible that once I get to a waitlist, I may be able to stay in Portland, and after the surgery I might be able to get my aftercare transfered back home as well. If these things don't happen, I can only imagine how much it will cost to stay in Seattle for months during the wait and recovery times. And I can't imagine getting through all of this without my support people. Once again, it comes down to money.

Anyway, I'm taking this all as a net positive and working to do what I can to mitigate the negatives. One life altering surgery is better than two. Of course, as fast as things have been changing recently, who knows what next week will bring. I'll keep you posted.

Weight: 214.6, Symptoms: Anxiety, I-didn't-think-the-fatigue-could-get-much-worse fatigue, mild chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness.

1 comment:

  1. Endure, endure, endure <3 Like everybody else here, I can't wait to see you happily on the other side of this shit-blizzard.
